Monthly Archives: August 2016

Exclusive Breastfeeding and its benefits


Exclusive breastfeeding is prescribed for babies, and it is the exclusive breastfeeding of the baby for the first six months of life. This is a WHO recommendation and mothers are advised to continue to breastfeed the child until he or she is at least two years old.

It is, however, surprising that despite the WHO’s clamor for exclusive breastfeeding, many mothers across the globe fail to breastfeed their babies exclusively even for the first two months.

Benefits of Breastfeeding to the Baby

The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continuously for another two years at least are briefly highlighted below, even as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a minimum of one year of breast milk, with no maximum duration.

  • It contains the right nutrients needed in for human development in the perfect proportion.
  • The mother’s antibodies being passed to the child through breast milk help to prevent several illnesses.
  • Breast milk helps to reduce the risk of developing allergies and even obesity in the future.
  • Breast milk helps the optimal development of the brain.
  • It reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Breast milk straight from the source is sterile and contains many good bacteria.
  • The suckling action exercises the baby’s jaw muscles encouraging the growth of straight, strong, and healthy teeth.
  • It contains hundreds of nutrients that cannot be found in baby formula and no baby is allergic to it.
  • Premature babies also benefit from breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding helps to strengthen the bond that exists between the mother and child, and it has been discovered that babies that are breastfed properly grow up to become more socially independent, compared to their formula-fed counterparts.
  • The breastfed baby enjoys some protection and comfort that come from the skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding.

The Mother’s Benefits

For whatever reason you might want to decide not to breastfeed your baby exclusively at least for the first six months, the benefits that accrue to the mother should change your mind and make you have a rethink.

  • Protection from post-partum bleeding due to the contraction of the uterus that results from the suckling action of the baby.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is an effective pregnancy control strategy.
  • Breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of developing iron-deficient anemia.
  • It helps to fasten and sustain weight loss.
  • It decreases the risk of developing ovarian, uterine, and breast cancers.
  • Recent studies have shown that breastfeeding can help prevent osteoporosis.

Women, do not be scared of your breast sagging; it will eventually sag whether you breastfeed or not, so why don’t you just let your baby enjoy it even as you benefit from feeding him or her?

Vector Tha Viper….


I was gonna write on looking good on a tight budget which should be like a sequel to my last article on financial management during recession. While I might not a huge fan of rap music or music general, music artistes like V.E.C always catch my attention.

This #Lafiaji guy, Olanrewaju Ogunmefun, is from Ogun state and has lived his life in Ogun and Lagos states, with a major part of it in Lagos. Regarded as the King of Freestyle in Nigeria especially after he did 2 and a half hours of freestyle on Rhythm FM Freestyle Fury more than a year ago.

King Kong is a self-acclaimed barrack boy and a graduate of Philosophy, from the University of Lagos. This probably attracted me to him and since I watched his interview on Youtube with HFtv on their internet show DA CHAT, I have been a strong follower of Vector tha Piper.

His view about life and music stuns me every time I hear him talk and even as I would not love to go into his many diss issues with other artistes like YCEE and Baba Hafusa, who is another musician I admire, his lyrics and music in general always have had me disturbing everyone including myself.

King Kong’s beat and lyrics are off the hook and the fact that he featured the likes of Reminisce and Phyno in the remix underlines this guy’s passion. Ever since I heard one of his new works “EMI”, my love for him has multiplied. EMI is a rap song that fits everything particularly with the beat that I just don’t understand the inspiration behind it. Not forgetting one is most popular hits, “Angeli”, where he featured the Special Adviser to the Oyo state Governor, 9ice.

Vector has won several awards since he broke into limelight in 2008/9 and they include Best rap single and lyricist on the roll at the 2015 Headies, awards he earlier won in 2012. He also has awards and nominations from NMVA, Nigeria Entertainment Awards, and DYNAMIX youth Awards.

In addition to be a rapper, David is also a poet, producer, songwriter, and is the voice behind the 2009 Sprite radio commercial. Besides, he’s got 2 album, 2 mixtapes and a couple of singles any real music lover would always enjoy.

One cant really cover V.E.C is a one-page article but one thing about this fellow gunner is that he is a one of a kind regardless of what anyone thinks.

Did I tell you that he is also a businessperson? He launched the Inoki Republic movement for T-shirts and Snap-back hats. Would really appreciate getting one of them tho’. King Kong holla back.

Money must be Made. “Oshaa mo, Ondu”

Financial Management Tips during Economic Recession


It is no news that world economies, especially nations that are highly dependent on oil revenue are suffering. It is even clearer in Africa where economic ministers are coming out to admit that countries are in recession even if the minister of economy in Nigeria, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun claims it is “technical”.

Recession takes a heavy toll on personal finances and families need to adjust to the harsh economic realities. Times like this require good financial management not just to survive but also to ensure that you are not heavily hit by the effects of an economic recession.

One of the major characteristics of economic recession is that money loses value. It gets even worse as jobs are threatened with organizations trying to cut cost and sometimes having to reduce their workforce.

Nobody wants an economic recession but since it’s just a phase in the economic cycle, we all have to deal with it and below are some financial tips to help you get through such times.

Track your Expenses

In times like this, it is normal to almost always check your account statement to look for any irregular bank charges. Unfortunately, in this part of the world, we are not really bothered when we see inexplicable bank charges below #1,000 on our account. If you think it is small, imagine the bank charging this small amount on their over ten million customers for example.

The most important task under tracking your expenses is to ensure that you prioritize your expenses and work according to your scale of preference. It is also imperative that you get serios about having a budget and even more importantly, following it through.

Avoid Debts

Whether you are taking a loan from a bank or you getting it from your loved one, it is important to avoid borrowing money as much as possible. During inflation, borrowers gain and of course, after this economic phase is over, lenders smile. The idea here is that the #5,000 you borrow during economic recession and inflation can buy fewer things as compared to after recession or in a better economic situation.

Multiple Income Streams

You can never have enough of income streams. Imagine having two to different jobs or streams of income other than you 8 to 5, to help cater to your expenses especially with the rising costs of things and the uncertainty surrounding white-collar jobs. The income from these sources do not have to be necessary huge especially at the start. You can subsequently grow them as time goes on and trust me; these sources of income will be more appreciated after the recession is over.

Personally, I have about three streams of income. Though I don’t make millions from them, I can afford to pay my bills and still sort out some other stuffs on the side. Fiverr, MMM, and Click Intensity are the income sources helping the guy out the moment and I hope to improve on them real soon.

A popular wealthy guy once said, “do not look to cut down on your expenses instead, increase your income sources”. The recession is real and we all have to deal with it. I hope my tips will help you survive this season and make the best out of it.

By the way, I will try to post something on my income sources mentioned above. However, you can contact me on whatsapp/call – +2348088884801 for more information on any of them and I will be happy to help.

Contact us on +2348088884801, , or Fiverr for captivating Press Releases, Website content, Blog Posts, and other Writing Services.


Fart More! It Saves


After staying off the radar for a while thanks to the blog posts and Press Releases I had to write for some clients, I thought it would wise for me to revisit my blog with this hilarious but helpful post.

The sound of fart or even the smell can be very annoying. It is, however, important to note that farting should be celebrated as the benefits of doing the act or even smelling it are immense, and some of them are briefly mentioned below.

Farting Reduces Bloating

Unreleased gas has been identified to be one of the causes of bloating and letting the gas out can immediately reduce the bloating, making you feel more comfortable.

Farting helps your Colon

There is this joke that holding on to fart can lead to having a dull brain as the fart finds its way to your brain via your spine and subsequently pollutes the brain. While this might just be a joke, holding it in for too long a period is not good for the health.

People with digestive issues, in particular, need to release the gas once the feeling comes as this helps to keep the colon healthy.

Farting is an early warning sign

It is part of the functions of the body for gas to be released and even if this could sometimes be embarrassing, it can be relieving to know that farting is an early warning of possible major health issues.

Increased frequency, extreme smells, and strange gas pains are some of the signs that you need to consult your doctor as they could be signals for health issues ranging from lactose intolerance to colon cancer.

Smelling Fart is Healthy for you

Studies have shown that sniffing fart can help protect you from later illnesses. Hydrogen sulfide is one of the contents of your fart and studies have shown that sniffing this substance in small doses can help prevent health issues like heart attack and even stroke.

Some quarters also claim that farts can help to cure hangovers and headaches.

The benefits of fart, farting, and smelling the fart cannot be overemphasized. In addition to being such a huge relief releasing the gas, farting can be of health benefits to you. You, therefore, need to start embracing the farting and take the FART PILL, trust me, IT WORKS.


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